Friday 22 April 2011

Have an amazing day at the zoo on your iPad!

With “An Amazing Day at the Zoo,” children are treated to an interactive storybook iPad application that follows a young girl named Sarah as she has an incredible outing at a world-class zoo.  Her engaging and thought-provoking adventures give Sarah the opportunity to learn about some of nature’s most impressive creatures.  Her adventures include meeting all sorts of animals, birds and reptiles.
During her day at the zoo, Sarah visits tigers, lions, crocodiles, flamingos and even cute pandas!  Thanks to the diverse information that “An Amazing Day at the Zoo contains, young learners will not just find this iPad application to be visually
stimulating, but will also find that they are learning many new vocabulary words and concepts as well.
With “An Amazing Day at the Zoo,” children are treated to an interactive storybook iPad application that follows a young girl named Sarah as she has an incredible outing at a world-class zoo.  Her engaging and thought-provoking adventures give Sarah the opportunity to learn about some of nature’s most impressive creatures.  Her adventures include meeting all sorts of animals, birds and reptiles.
During her day at the zoo, Sarah visits tigers, lions, crocodiles, flamingos and even cute pandas!  Thanks to the diverse information that “An Amazing Day at the Zoo contains, young learners will not just find this iPad applition to be visually stimulating, but will also find that they are learning many new vocabulary words and concepts as well.
Engaging Facts and Captivating Sounds
Every exciting page is brimming with information and thought-provoking facts designed to stick in a child’s memory for years to come and, in the process, expand a child’s general knowledge base.  Making this learning experience all the more captivating and thrilling is the fact that creature noises accompany the background music.  These audio features make “An Amazing Day at the Zoo” all the more engrossing of a learning experience.
Witness Animals in Their Natural Environments
Every page of “An Amazing Day at the Zoo,” contains a fun and richly detailed video and pictures, which allow children to see the various animals interacting in their natural environment.  This, of course, will serve to help children understand more about the animals both in and out of their zoo environments.
High Levels of Interactivity
Sarah is able to take pictures of the animals that she encounters while at the zoo with her trusty camera.  This feature allows Sarah to then share the pictures, which fosters a deeper level of interactivity with the reader.
Intended for children under ten years of age, “An Amazing Day at the Zoo iPad application” costs $4.99.   Our educational apps offers numerous additional features, such as swiping to turn a page, pinching video to expand it, as well as an engaging read aloud option that children love.  This read aloud option plays automatically when the book is opened, but can be turned off as well.Engaging Facts and Captivating Sounds
Every exciting page is brimming with information and thought-provoking facts designed to stick in a child’s memory for years to come and, in the process, expand a child’s general knowledge base.  Making this learning experience all the more captivating and thrilling is the fact that creature noises accompany the background music.  These audio features make “An Amazing Day at the Zoo” all the more engrossing of a learning experience.
Witness Animals in Their Natural Environments
Every page of “An Amazing Day at the Zoo,” contains a fun and richly detailed video and pictures, which allow children to see the various animals interacting in their natural environment.  This, of course, will serve to help children understand more about the animals both in and out of their zoo environments.
High Levels of Interactivity
Sarah is able to take pictures of the animals that she encounters while at the zoo with her trusty camera.  This feature allows Sarah to then share the pictures, which fosters a deeper level of interactivity with the reader.
Intended for children under ten years of age, “An Amazing Day at the Zoo iPad application” costs $4.99.   Our educational apps offers numerous additional features, such as swiping to turn a page, pinching video to expand it, as well as an engaging read aloud option that children love.  This read aloud option plays automatically when the book is opened, but can be turned off as well.With “An Amazing Day at the Zoo,” children are treated to an interactive storybook iPad application that follows a young girl named Sarah as she has an incredible outing at a world-class zoo.  Her engaging and thought-provoking adventures give Sarah the opportunity to learn about some of nature’s most impressive creatures.  Her adventures include meeting all sorts of animals, birds and reptiles.
During her day at the zoo, Sarah visits tigers, lions, crocodiles, flamingos and even cute pandas!  Thanks to the diverse information that “An Amazing Day at the Zoo contains, young learners will not just find this iPad application to be visually stimulating, but will also find that they are learning many new vocabulary words and concepts as well.
Engaging Facts and Captivating Sounds
Every exciting page is brimming with information and thought-provoking facts designed to stick in a child’s memory for years to come and, in the process, expand a child’s general knowledge base.  Making this learning experience all the more captivating and thrilling is the fact that creature noises accompany the background music.  These audio features make “An Amazing Day at the Zoo” all the more engrossing of a learning experience.
Witness Animals in Their Natural Environments
Every page of “An Amazing Day at the Zoo,” contains a fun and richly detailed video and pictures, which allow children to see the various animals interacting in their natural environment.  This, of course, will serve to help children understand more about the animals both in and out of their zoo environments.
High Levels of Interactivity
Sarah is able to take pictures of the animals that she encounters while at the zoo with her trusty camera.  This feature allows Sarah to then share the pictures, which fosters a deeper level of interactivity with the reader.
Intended for children under ten years of age, “An Amazing Day at the Zoo iPad application” costs $4.99.   Our educational apps offers numerous additional features, such as swiping to turn a page, pinching video to expand it, as well as an engaging read aloud option that children love.  This read aloud option plays automatically when the book is opened, but can be turned off as well.

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