Wednesday 10 August 2011

New iPhone & iPad App.. Critteroos.. wow!

Check out this super new application for the iphone or ipad - it's called Critteroos.. and yes it's educational and yet fantatastic fun for your kids. Aimed at ages 3 to 8 years this interactive app features many pictures of animals which you can mix and match and even print out your creations if you want to!

This new app - Critteroos is the brainchild of the famed designer 'Clement Mok'. Critteroos is
the 1st of many in the planned  imaginative series designed for  'iPad education'  with software aimed at  children that draws on the new  CMCD Visual Symbols visuals.

The backing noise of this app is a gentle consistent beat of insect hums, and the app erupts into the  real animal sounds, including the occasional whinny of a horse, snort of a pig and bird's chirp when you interact with the app. While the incredible sounds entertain the children they will also love the app's vibrant imagery of the animals as well.  

There is also a  "Flashcard" mode, which lets each image be paired with the animal's name, which is recited aloud as well which is great  for vocabulary building. Fantastic for children as they can test there skills in a mix and match mode with encouraging sounds when they get the answer right.

For pure fun, kids can let their imaginations run free by creating their own "Critteroos" (mismatched animals). These humorous and dazzling animals can be given fun names (like the Rooztera) and saved to the iPhoto library for printing.
This fab Critteroos app  sells for only $2 on iTunes, as well as other related education applications and add-ons (like Critteroos II for additional animal sets) by CMCD.

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