Wednesday 13 April 2011

Tegu - these gorgeous toys are the only building blocks your kids should own!

Check out these really cool eco-friendly  Tegu Blocks!

These are fantastic - they come in a range of colours from natural wood , pale pretty shades (great for the girls in your house as below) and even come in mahogany. They are beautifully made from eco friendly wood
and ultra kid safe. Isn't it great to know you can have a fab toy these day whilst helping  the enviroment  and helping the local community. 

Tegu offer a wide choice of sets and sizes which come in lovely travel pouches for kids on the go, or even by a cool looking Tegu tote case. They are great for kids imagination as you can make so many different things with them and they have a website to help you build as well is you get stuck for ideas....  perfect for those anytime anywhere moments!

Magnets + Wood = Tegu

The familiar warmth of wood and the magical animation of magnets make Tegu blocks the first wooden blocks in history that defy gravity and inspire new creations as you play! Tegu blocks are made by safely embedding magnets invisibly inside each block. And, we utilize eco-friendly hardwoods, making them both durable and friendly to the forest.
Get yours now before they're gone...Tegu blocks are the blocks that click.

RoosterTegu Guys
You can buy direct from Tegu....

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